Our Proven System


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The goal of our education and training system is to improve the health, safety and well-being of every company and every employee. Through our system and process, we are able to prevent and manage fatigue, discomfort and pain, as well as prevent costly MSD Injuries. We assist organizations of all types and sizes create healthy, efficient, injury-free workforces, adding substantial value to a company’s bottom-line.


87% of Injuries Are Preventable!


Our system has demonstrated repeatedly that even higher levels of reductions are not only possible, they are absolutely achievable. Clients which have followed our “Prescription for Sustainable Success,” have been able to enjoy multiple years without a recordable MSD Injury.

By implementing our training system, every client has seen substantial improvements. As Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) Injury Prevention experts, we want your workplace and your workforce to feel more than just comfortable while performing tasks and duties, our goal is to help your entire organization thrive through prevention!

  • Many people suffer from back pain and other MSD challenges.

  • We have yet to see a workplace or a workforce, where improvements were not only possible, but often necessary in order for a company to get and stay ahead of the injury cost “Rollercoaster.”

  • Our system improves numerous aspects of a client’s health and safety system, in meaningful and profound ways.

  • A strong safety culture and a Culture of Prevention cannot sustain itself if left unattended. Continuous improvement is not only necessary, but mandatory in order to assure long term excellence.

  • In many companies internal safety stakeholders and supervisory personnel are not adequately engaged in preventing injuries. Many are overwhelmed with their own tasks and are inexperienced in the process of behavioral change.


For these reasons, our system is a perfect fit for every organization.


  • Whether your challenges are with: employees, leadership, difficult tasks, a unique process, a piece of equipment, or an entire department or workforce, we have effective and affordable solutions.

  • Our range of services are able to provide just enough to help keep your company compliant, or we are able to create a dynamic partnership with your organization, where together we customize highly-effective solutions which are guaranteed to achieve positive, sustainable outcomes.


Does your company employ as many people as it did a few years ago? Is your organization (and your workforce) performing the same or more work with fewer employees? Do you have new hires you would like to start out on the right foot, or aging workers that could use some help?

Accurate Ergonomics has solutions and our system is easy to implement in any workplace.  We are dedicated to helping every employee in your organization thrive (progress toward or realize a goal, despite or because of current circumstances). Our training and behavior-change systems, along with our posture correction solutions are designed for success! We provide employees and their supervisors with the ability, motivation, and the tools necessary for success with the mutual goal of every person being able to lead a happy and productive life, at work and at home.


Imagine Efficiency and the Quality of Life

Without Injuries and Without Pain…


Click here to see an Inside Look at Our Proven System.

Click here to learn about our Personalized Solutions or Sustainable Results.

How Can We Help?